Sandra McFarquhar Gonzales, Operations Manager, Antilles Tyres

Sandra McFarquhar Gonzales, Operations Manager, Antilles Tyres

“BizPay Cash eliminated the obligation to maintain a pool of funds since staff loans from the mobile application are funded by a financier. This allowed us to manage cash flow more effectively while presenting an additional opportunity to redirect funds to other key areas of the business in order to accelerate revenue-driving activities, increasing our…

Drew Gayle, Internal Auditor – Solid Life and General Insurance Broker

“BizPay Central has been very crucial in dealing with the statutory, other various taxes and the management of our payroll. It gives me more time to do other things because having a database management system other than having regular spreadsheets and doing it manually is very effective because time is very important to me. When…

Egan Stewart – Financial Controller, Continental Motors’

“We started our partnership with MC Systems over 15 years ago and to date we continue to enjoy flawless interaction and great customer service. Continental Garage Ltd chose BizPay Central because of the ease of use.  I would encourage SME’s to choose an effective payroll solution, we chose BizPay Central, it works!.”