Tech for Budgeting

Using Tech to manage your finances

Money. Everyone wants more of it, but are we taking care of the money we do have? Many people view budgets as squashing all the ‘fun’ out of the month. In reality, a budget is just a way to prioritize where you put every part of your paycheck. Whether you’re budgeting as an individual, a…

Can a business thrive without tech?

Can yours? The world has an unrelenting demand for technology across all spheres of interaction. It’s how we’re expected to innovate, connect and grow. With this constant turnover in tech, how can you stay on top of what you and your business need to thrive?

Maximize your Payroll data to improve your company’s performance

With the growing importance of the Internet and the Internet of Things (IoT), data has become a commodity more precious than gold. What most employers might not fully appreciate is that the data they currently have- like for payroll purposes, for example- can lead to real, measurable business growth. It all comes down to how we process and interpret the information.

5 Apps for your best 2020

There’s a good chance that many of us are already struggling to keep track of all the things we said we would do differently. Fortunately, there’s an app for that. Or a website. Or both. Technology has something for everyone, in every sphere, from work to play and anything in between. At MC Systems, we’re dedicated to showing you how to integrate the best in tech for the best experiences across every aspect of life.

Blockchain technology, validating more than just money

A consequence of having a ton of access to information is that people don’t always know if they can trust the information that they receive. Businesses, on the other hand, do not have that luxury, they have to know that they can trust the data they get. This is especially so for cross-border financial services entities, such as banks and insurance firms.